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Die Historikerin Dina Porat beleuchtet erstmals umfassend die Geschichte von 50 jungen Frauen und Männern, die im Untergrund in Osteuropa die Schoa überlebten.


In this new episode, Dr. Bart Wallet and Dr. Laura Almagor discuss the diversity in Yiddish language, its origins, and challenges.


In this new episode, Steven Fine traces the history of the Samaritans from the ancient times to the present, while discussing his work, The Samaritans: A Biblical People.


In this new episode of Humanities Matter, François Guesnet, Professor of Modern Jewish History in the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London, traces the travails and triumphs of the Jewish community in Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, based on his edited volume.


Dina Porat, professor emeritus of modern Jewish history at the Department of Jewish History at Tel Aviv University and the former chief historian of Yad Vashem, presents for the first time comprehensively the story of 50 young men and women who survived the Shoah as underground fighters in Eastern Europe and after the war surmised a scheme to kill six million Germans.


Dina Porat, emeritierte Professorin für moderne jüdische Geschichte am Institut für Jüdische Geschichte der Universität Tel Aviv und ehemalige Chefhistorikerin von Yad Vashem, stellt zum ersten Mal umfassend die Geschichte von 50 jungen Männern und Frauen vor, die die Shoah als Untergrundkämpfer in Osteuropa überlebten und nach dem Krieg einen Racheakt erdachten: Durch die Vergiftung von Trinkwasser sollten sechs Millionen Deutsche sterben und so der Tod von sechs Millionen Juden vergolten werden.


In this podcast, Prof. Emile Schrijver discusses the Encyclopedia of Jewish Book Cultures Online, how the encyclopedia promotes the field of Jewish Book Studies, and reflects on the challenges and opportunities of editing an online-first encyclopedia.


Steven Fine, Churgin Professor of Jewish History at Yeshiva University, Israel, discusses his new book The Arch of Titus: From Jerusalem to Rome—and Back.


General Editor Armin Lange and Volume Editors Frank Feder and Matthias Henze discuss the recently published Textual History of the Bible Volume 2.


In this episode, Dr. Weishut assesses the vast cultural differences that he observed through this close friendship, which he describes as a ‘life-changing experience’, from the perspective of the psychologist Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.