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Alicia Ely Yamin discusses key topics addressed in Global Health, Human Rights and Social Justice, Brill's new book series, focusing on advances and backlash relating to reproductive justice and human rights, ethical implications of biotechnological innovations, and resurgent calls for a ‘right to development.’


In the latest episode of War and Peace, Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou and Vassilis P Tzevelekos put forth the suggestion that with the change in international law over the years, stricter sanctions should be in place to prevent human rights atrocities. They discuss this in context of their work The Aggression Against Ukraine and the Effectiveness of Inter-state Cases in Case of War.


In the first episode of our new themed series Migration, Dr. Elspeth Guild takes us through the trajectory of abolition and re-introduction of border control in the Schengen states from its formation in 1985 to the present day, in the context of her work.