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Dr. Vincent Bacote discusses his latest work Reckoning with Race and Performing the Good News: In Search of a Better Evangelical Theology.
Simon Peng-Keller zur Frage, ob Klinikseelsorge ein Heilberuf ist und wie sich dieser in der Pandemie verändert hat.
Pastor Thomas Hirsch-Hüffell stellt sich der Frage, warum heilige Kultstätten auch in Zukunft ihre Daseinsberechtigung haben - in Zeiten des Coronavirus vielleicht mehr, als jemals zuvor.
In this podcast, Dr. Mirella Klomp, of the Protestant Theological University, the Netherlands, discusses her book Playing On: Re-staging the Passion after the Death of God,, published by Brill, and talks about how the Passion has seeped out from the liturgy to the wider cultural domain, why its story remains so popular today, whether depicting Christ in conjunction with popular music and pursuits is disrespectful, and whose story the Passion really is.