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Guest Post

Fallou Ngom and Daivi Rodima-Taylor explore the Ajami literatures and literacies of West Africa. Ajami literatures are largely unknown to the larger public, but hold a wealth of knowledge on the history and intellectual traditions of many African communities. 

Guest Post

Yara M. Asi examines why many health indicators of Palestinians lag behind the health rates of neighboring Arab states and those of Israeli citizens, finding that Palestinians are forced to depend on external health services and must seek care outside of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Guest Post

Golrokh Niazi talks about coming to terms with the inbetweenness of her identity and sense of belonging in relation to academic fieldwork.

Guest Post

Dr. Gisela Klindworth zum Unterschied zwischen Autorität und Machtausübung in der Leitungskultur von Führungskräften