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Guest Post

Fallou Ngom and Daivi Rodima-Taylor explore the Ajami literatures and literacies of West Africa. Ajami literatures are largely unknown to the larger public, but hold a wealth of knowledge on the history and intellectual traditions of many African communities. 

Guest Post

In a case study of the 2019 Lebanese October Uprising, Anne Kirstine Rønn looks at the limitations to the inclusivity of protest movements against sectarianism.

Guest Post

Yara M. Asi examines why many health indicators of Palestinians lag behind the health rates of neighboring Arab states and those of Israeli citizens, finding that Palestinians are forced to depend on external health services and must seek care outside of the occupied Palestinian territories.

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Alexei Abrahams and Etienne Maynier reflect on the impacts of digital surveillance on Palestinian civil society - and on the importance of cybersecurity for social justice movements.

Guest Post

Courtney Freer and Andrew Leber, authors of Defining the ‘Tribal Advantage’ in Kuwaiti Politics, explain the change in Kuwait's most recent parliamentary elections.

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A guest post by Jilian Schwedler, Professor of Political Science at Hunter College, CUNY, New York.

Guest Post

In this blog Alexander Lott comments on the recent Award of the Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal in the dispute concerning the Kerch Strait incident, which is discussed in his Open Access book Hybrid Threats and the Law of the Sea: Use of Force and Discriminatory Navigational Restrictions in Straits.

Guest Post

In jeder Beziehung kriselt es früher oder später. Paartherapeutin Ankha Haucke sieht zwei Aspekte als entscheidend für eine Veränderung der Situation: Kommunikation und Selbstfürsorge.

Guest Post

Wenn das Leben aus den Fugen gerät, fühlen wir uns ausgeliefert und ohnmächtig. Stefan Balázs erklärt, wie wir in fünf Schritten die Kontrolle zurückerlangen.

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Buchpräsentationen mit Roland Girtler sind immer ein Erlebnis. Von einem solchen berichtet Martin Zellhofer in seinem Blogbeitrag.