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Persönliche Einblicke in die Deutsche Historiographie: Christof Dipper und Heinz Duchhardt im Interview über Ihr Projekt, das Leben und Vermächtnis einiger der einflussreichsten deutschen Historiker der jungen deutschen Bundesrepublik zu sammeln.


Bandung - Journal of the Global South is now indexed in Scopus. We asked a few questions about the behind-the-scenes of managing a journal to the Editor-in-Chief Pak Nung Wong.


Interview with Hans Derks, Ph.D., whose new volume The Market and the Oikos, Vol. II was recently published.


We recently joined Erin Shay, author of A Grammar of Pévé and A Grammar of Giziga for a discussion about how she became a linguist and how she conducted her fieldwork in Cameroon.


In this New Books Network podcast, Ana Beatriz Ribeiro discusses Modernization Dreams, Lusotropical Promises, her book with Candela Marini.