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In June 2020, Brill released the online Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics (ESLL). We sat down with the Editor-in-Chief, Marc L. Greenberg (University of Kansas), to discuss how this special project came about.


Dina Stanković from Slavstvuyte! talks with Marc L. Greenberg about his recent publications, language contact, language privilege and much more.


On 15 October the Dutch academic publisher Brill published the translation of Prekmurje Slovene Grammar (in the original Hungarian: Vend nyelvtan), by Avgust Pavel, into English. This extensive linguistic study was translated and provided with scholarly annotations by the American linguist and professor of Slavic linguistics, Marc L. Greenberg, who also holds the titles of Corresponding Member of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts and Ambassador of Science and Scholarship of the Republic of Slovenia.