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At the end of 2021, Brill published the new Introductory Sanskrit Reader, a reader to help students start reading original Sanskrit literature. We set down with the author, Antonia Ruppel, to discuss Sanskrit texts, making a career in academia as well as her love for teaching.


We sat down with author Michael Farmer to discuss his love of maps and map making, the difficulty of making maps of areas as politically disputed as Tibet, the rapid development of infrastructure and housing in the area, as well as the 'Disneyfication' of religious sites.


An interview with Sahiinii L. Veikho, Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Tetso College, Dimapur affiliated to Nagaland University, India, author of A Grammar of Poumai Naga (Poula).


Tim Bodt, author of Grammar of Duhumbi (Chugpa) talks about his work in Tibet and Bhutan, the immense kindness of the people he has worked with and the importance of immersive fieldwork when studying languages.


In June 2020, Brill released the online Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics (ESLL). We sat down with the Editor-in-Chief, Marc L. Greenberg (University of Kansas), to discuss how this special project came about.


Kirill Babaev, author of A Grammar of May, joins us for a discussion about his love for languages and culture and his fieldwork in remote parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America.


In this episode, Merethe Roos and Henrik Edgren, two of the editors of Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536–2020 talk about delving deep into the centuries-old history of the education systems in the Nordic countries through their school textbooks, right from the era of the Reformation in the 16th century and through the subsequent educational acts that shaped the systems in each country.

Guest Post

This article in Dutch was first published on Neerlandistiek, an online magazine for Dutch linguistics, literature and language proficiency that publishes daily contributions.


In this new episode, Luis Javier Pentón Herrera and Ethan Tính Trịnh, editors of Critical Storytelling: Multilingual Immigrants in the United States talk about how their book brings together powerful voices of immigrants living in the United States.


In a discussion with Jingyi Li, Christopher Joby discusses his latest book The Dutch Language in Japan (1600-1900). It is the first book-length account of the knowledge and use of the Dutch language in Tokugawa and Meiji Japan.