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  • Middle East and Islamic Studies x
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Discussing the exchange of foods across the Eurasian Heartland through the Silk Route, with Dr. Eugene Anderson.


As the Journal of Sufi Studies recently instated a new Editorial Board, we invited the new Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Alexandre Papas, for a discussion about his academic work in Sufi studies, his most recent publications with Brill, and the future of the journal.


Domenico Ingenito, Paul Losensky and Jane Mikkelson discuss the recently published Beholding Beauty. Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry.


In celebration of the publication of the first volume in Brill's new Handbook of Sufi Studies, we joined Alexander Knysh, Editor-in-Chief, for a discussion about the popularity of Sufism in the West, the relation of Sufi studies to adjacent disciplines, and the directions that the Handbook series will take in the future.