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When writing “Colonial Diplomacy through Art. Jerusalem 1918–1926,” Moya Tönnies discovered that in 1922 an ensemble of Bethlehem textiles with exceptionally fine embroidery and a silver and gold chin-chain were sent to Buckingham Palace as the representation of Palestine’s “national dress.” After searching for many years where the precious robe is today, the author now asks the readers of this blog: Have you seen Princess Mary’s thob al-malak?
Discussing the exchange of foods across the Eurasian Heartland through the Silk Route, with Dr. Eugene Anderson.
In celebration of the publication of the first volume in Brill's new Handbook of Sufi Studies, we joined Alexander Knysh, Editor-in-Chief, for a discussion about the popularity of Sufism in the West, the relation of Sufi studies to adjacent disciplines, and the directions that the Handbook series will take in the future.