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At the end of 2022, Hasan Kujjah finished publishing his large scale project on poetry and writing about Aleppo. His monumental 'Aleppo Through Poets' Eyes and in the Writings of Historians, Scholars, Visitors and Literati' collects and indexes more than 900 poems, descriptions, and impressions about the city. The first three volumes focus on the poetry (written from the 7th to the 21st century). The fourth volume focuses on descriptions and impressions from historians, visitors, and writers, over a time span of fifteen centuries.

We sat down with Hasan Kujjah to talk about his work, about poetry and what it discloses about the Middle East and Aleppo, about what makes Aleppo such a beloved subject for poets and writers, among many other things.


Domenico Ingenito, Paul Losensky and Jane Mikkelson discuss the recently published Beholding Beauty. Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry.