Podcast: Imitating Viruses: How Technology Can Help Us Be Better Prepared For Pandemics
25 February 2021
New Books in Philosophy
Klaus Mainzer, "Leben als Maschine: Wie entschlüsseln wir den Corona-Kode?: Von der Systembiologie und Bioinformatik zu Robotik und Künstlicher Intelligenz. 2. Auflage", (Brill 2020)
Viruses are not very different from machines that process information, and thus, how the virus functions can be simulated on a computer. This ability to “imitate” the way viruses behave is particularly useful today, as we battle the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and struggle to prepare for similar events.
Dr. Klaus Mainzer, Co-founder and Senior Professor at the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center of the University of Tübingen and President of European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg, explains this further in a new podcast episode, in which he talks about his book Leben als Maschine: Wie entschlüsseln wir den Corona-Kode? published by Mentis.
He explains how bringing together the fields of bioinformatics, machine learning, AI, and big data can help us to decipher the workings of the novel coronavirus and, perhaps, be better equipped to deal with such crises in the future.
Brill's Humanities Matter podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.