Re-Evaluating Our Laws: Discussing Brill’s Book Series Global Health, Human Rights and Social Justice with Series Editor Alicia Ely Yamin
5 May 20
New Series in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Series Editor: Alicia Ely Yamin, "Global Health, Human Rights and Social Justice"
Global Health, Human Rights and Social Justice, Brill’s upcoming book series—provides multi-disciplinary perspectives on legal strategies across different fields and movements. The series addresses the gaps in writing about specific domains of law and hopes to foster transformative thinking in addressing global challenges of socio-economic inequality, health governance, restricted access to medicines, the climate crisis, and more. It aims to maintain a unified focus on the effectiveness of international law and global institutions, with respect to population health and social justice. It also focuses on normative development in the post-pandemic world.
In this new episode of Humanities Matter by Brill, Series Editor Alicia Ely Yamin discusses key topics addressed in the book series, focusing on advances and backlash relating to reproductive justice and human rights, ethical implications of biotechnological innovations, and resurgent calls for a ‘right to development.’