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“War and Peace” Episode 1: The Status of Crimea and the Sea of Azov as a Jurisdictional Hurdle in Ukraine v. Russia with Dr. Valentin Schatz 7 July 2022 Valentin Schatz University of Hamburg New Journal Article in International Law Valentin Johannes Schatz, "The Status of Crimea and the Sea of Azov as a Jurisdictional Hurdle in Ukraine v. Russia" , in Review of Central and East European Law The UN has established a legal framework for
“War and Peace” Episode 2: International Security in the 21st Century. Chapter: The Ukraine Crisis and the European Security Order, with Dr. Wolfgang Ischinger 28 July 2022 Wolfgang Ischinger The Hertie School in Berlin The sudden Russian aggression on Ukraine, besides wreaking havoc on the latter, has created a ripple effect impacting the socio-economic conditions of the rest of Europe and the world. The carefully built security order has been
“War and Peace” Episode 5: NATO Rules of Engagement: On ROE, Self-Defence, and the Use of Force during Armed Conflict, with Dr. Camilla Guldahl Cooper 06 January 2023 Camilla Guldahl Cooper Norwegian Defense Command & Staff College Camilla Guldahl Cooper, "NATO Rules of Engagement" , (Brill 2019) The NATO rules of engagement (ROE) are highly important political and strategic laws that determine the circumstances surrounding the use of armed
“War and Peace” Episode 3: The Aggression Against Ukraine and the Effectiveness of Inter-state Cases in Case of War, with Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou and Vassilis P Tzevelekos 26 August 2022 Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou and Vassilis P Tzevelekos University of Liverpool New Journal Article in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou and Vassilis P Tzevelekos, "The Aggression Against Ukraine and the Effectiveness of Inter-state Cases
“War and Peace” Episode 4: Understanding Where International Law Stands on the Question of the Secession of Crimeaa, with Dr. Majid Nikouei and Dr. Masoud Zamani 05 October 2022 Dr. Majid Nikouei / Dr. Masoud Zamani University of Toronto / Shiraz University International Law Majid Nikouei and Masoud Zamani, "The Secession of Crimea: Where Does International Law Stand?" in Nordic Journal of International Law 85,1 , (Brill | Nijhoff 2016